
Lees hier HR & Leadership artikels en PMC Nieuws breidt uit

In december 2016 startte als een samenwerkingsverband tussen 7 HR-verenigingen en 2 partners. Vandaag breidt al uit. De Algemene Vergadering keurde de toetreding van 5 nieuwe leden goed. Het gaat om ADP BruBra, HR Public, Club van Personeelsmanagers,...

Worldlink August 2017 – Latin America

Worldlink August 2017 – Latin America

WorldLink, this time focusing on people management in Latin America. Leyla Nascimento -WFPMA Secretary General/Treasurer- wrote the editorial focusing on how the political and social challenges in Latin America has affected human resources management. An article by...

Worldlink January 2017 – WFPMA

Worldlink January 2017 – WFPMA

WorldLink, this time focusing on people management in North America. Henry “Hank” Jackson, president of the North American Human Resource Management Association and president and CEO of SHRM. He discusses some of the changes in our world that are reshaping our...